LinkedIn and SHRM have partnered on a series of 3 events, to invite discussions around Industry 4.0. Each of these events are centred around one specific sector, the first one being in Chennai for the Manufacturing industry and the second one in Hyderabad for the Pharma and Health Care industry, followed by the third one in Pune for the Automotive Industry.

Brief: To capture Key points that come up in the 1hr 30 min session.

Chennai: We setup a 3ft X 4ft foam board in the hall, next to the main screen. While the hosts unwrapped the event with the 18 esteemed guests, I scribed, noting key points that surfaced.

Hyderabad: We decided to go digital this time. We had about 15 guests join us for this round-table and the scribe was a show-stealer yet again!

Pune: This round table brought together a lot of industry leaders and what brewed was an informative discussion. The LinkedIn-SHRM team printed the sketch-notes on the spot and gifted them to the attendees.

As soon as the session got over, the attendees gathered the scribe, with their phones out. People went through the key points, which was the intention of my clients. They wanted the folks to be able to see how LinkedIn Talent Solutions can be used in the Manufacturing sector.

The artboard easily became the crowd puller and someone every attendee shared on their LinkedIn profiles later on. This gave us a chance to take the interesting conversations beyond the walls of the room.

The final scribe, highlighting the 4 themes of the discussion!
1. Data and Insights
2. Employer Branding
3. Skill First Approach
4. Holistic Talent Strategy
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