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June 16, 2021

I’ve never written down my plans or goals, never put a date along any of them. Never marked calendars and crossed days as they got closer! No, I am not someone with no goals and plans. But they all never looked like it. They were conversations I had with myself in my head. They were more like wishes and hopes.

I got a friend to gift me an undated planner as a New Years gift (2021). The first page prompted me to write down my goals for the year. I wrote so many things that were on my mind already! The new courses and products I wanted to launch, the new flat I wanted to find and move into, the trips I wished to take and so much more!

I wrote my financial goal and some non dreamy stuff too. It felt good! I felt more motivated now that I could see them. But it wasn't late until they started to scare me. I had put a timeline for these plans. I had set milestones for myself that had to be achieved within a time period. Everytime I opened the planner I saw those boxes that were yet to be ticked. It made me anxious.

I kept the planner away for a while. Focused on the smaller goals, closer to me! Focused on the everyday tasks than that one big goal.

Maybe thats what the plans are for. So that we can break them down into smaller achievable bits and progress our way towards that bigger goal.

Do you feel overwhelmed by writing your plans and goals? How do you deal with it?